首页 - 毕业典礼




We are excited to recognize the academic achievement of the graduating class, 尊重婚礼的传统和意义, 让学生参与进来, 家庭, and University faculty and staff in a formal and festive event!

今年的毕业典礼演讲嘉宾将是理查德. 牛顿三世,美国陆军中将.S. 空军,退役. Newton has successfully led thousands of men and women during peacetime and times of crisis. 他在美国生活了34年.S. Military culminated in his role as the United States Air Force Assistant Vice Chief of Staff.


Newton是管理合伙人, 先锋伙伴发展小组, a consulting firm in retail and defense industry sectors and Chief Operating Officer of BenchMark5 Management Consulting firm in FL. He is a founding partner of Legends Sports Advocates Group. This consortium purposely develops pro athletes to take control of their personal and financial well-being over a lifetime to flourish beyond sports and influence the people and communities around them.

Newton graduated from the United States Air Force Academy with a bachelor’s degree in history, 韦伯斯特大学硕士学位.A. degree in industrial psychology and human relations, and the National War College with an M.S. 在国家安全战略方面.

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下载图标 罗伯茨2024届班纳

使用标签 # Roberts2024 为毕业生分享照片、留言和建议.



  • 上午9:30 |成人与毕业生(AGE)典礼


  • 2:00 pm | 传统的本科 and BELL 程序 Ceremony




Director, Victory Funds, Victory 帽ital Mgt (NASDQ: VCTR)

Please Arrive in Rinker Community Center 45 minutes before your ceremony for lineup. 


帽袍订购已开始. 该网站将于2024年3月23日关闭.

帽 & Gown pick up is in the 哪个app可以赌足球 Bookstore on April 29, 2024 in the bookstore located in the upper level of the Voller Athletic Center.


Please use the link below to place your 帽 and Gown order online


For any questions regarding your cap and gown orders please contact the Roberts Campus Store staff at 罗伯茨@slingshot.edu 或致电585-594-6140.


Students graduating in the 9:30 am AGE ceremony may request up to 6张嘉宾票

Students graduating in the 2:00 pm 本科 ceremony may request up to 9张嘉宾票

Students can reserve guest tickets online using the following form:

If you have any questions about tickets, please contact Tor Nielsen at 585-594-6532 or Nielsen_Tor@罗伯茨.edu


If you have GUESTS who will be attending your graduation who are:

  1. 需要一名手语翻译
  2. arriving in a wheelchair (the university does not provide wheelchairs)
  3. hearing impaired and in need of an assistive listening device

Please make arrangements for them by contacting Samantha Herbert at herbert_samantha@罗伯茨.edu 不迟于星期一, April 29th so that arrangements can be made for your guests who require accommodations. Please leave a detailed message with a contact phone number in case further details are required.

If you as a GRADUATE have need for a special accommodation, are you:

  1. arriving in a wheelchair (the university does not provide wheelchairs)
  2. 拄着拐杖
  3. recovering from recent surgery with mobility challenges
  4. 需要一名手语翻译
  5. Bringing a service animal due to a medical condition

Please make arrangements for yourself by contacting Martha Smith at Smith_Martha@罗伯茨.edu 或者打电话585.594.6659 no later than Monday, April 29th so that arrangements can be made for you.  Please leave a detailed message with a contact phone number in case further details are required.


文凭s are anticipated to be mailed to graduates by mid to late July. Please notify the RWU Office of Registration at 585-594-6220 if you’ve changed your home address after completing the application for a degree form.


If you are not planning on participating in your 毕业典礼 ceremony on May 11, 请发邮件至academicaffairs@罗伯茨.并复制Tor Nielsen (nielsen_tor@罗伯茨).要求你在缺席的情况下毕业.


Flowers in ½ dozen bouquets will be available to purchase for $20.00 (check or cash only) for an hour before each ceremony. The sale locations will be outside and inside the Voller Athletic Center Arena. 卖花的钱会交给体育部.



  • 上午9:30 |成人与毕业生(AGE)典礼
  • 2:00 pm | 传统的本科 and BELL 程序 Ceremony


If you have GUESTS who will be attending your graduation who are:

  1. 需要一名手语翻译
  2. arriving in a wheelchair (the university does not provide wheelchairs)
  3. hearing impaired and in need of an assistive listening device

Please make arrangements for them by contacting Samantha Herbert at herbert_samantha@罗伯茨.edu 不迟于星期一, April 29th so that arrangements can be made for your guests who require accommodations. Please leave a detailed message with a contact phone number in case further details are required.

If you as a GRADUATE have need for a special accommodation, are you:

  1. arriving in a wheelchair (the university does not provide wheelchairs)
  2. 拄着拐杖
  3. recovering from recent surgery with mobility challenges
  4. 需要一名手语翻译
  5. 因医疗原因携带服务性动物

Please make arrangements for yourself by contacting Martha Smith at Smith_Martha@罗伯茨.edu 或者打电话585.594.6659 no later than Monday, April 29th so that arrangements can be made for you.  Please leave a detailed message with a contact phone number in case further details are required.


Please arrive at the Voller Athletic Center at least 30 minutes before the ceremony to ensure you have enough time to have your bags checked and find a seat.

请参考这个 http://www.罗伯茨.edu/about/campus-map/ 找到停车场和沃勒体育中心.


Nursing Dedication Pinning and Lamp Lighting Ceremony: Honoring the senior nursing students, and recognizing the junior and sophomore nursing students

周五,2024年5月10日晚7点,安德鲁斯B. Hale Auditorium in the 霍华德·斯托·罗伯茨文化生活中心. 接待 immediately following the ceremony in Shewan Recital Hall, 霍华德·斯托·罗伯茨文化生活中心

Grace Stiles is the contact person for this event, School of Nursing x6459, Email: stiles_grace@罗伯茨.edu

研究生心理学帽典礼 & 接待


Details will be sent by invitation directly to students.

联系人: bisciotti_kelly@罗伯茨.edu or dillenbeck_meg@罗伯茨.edu

Hooding Ceremony and Dessert 接待 for MSW 研究生s

Friday, May 10th at 7:00PM in the Golisano Community Engagement Center - Rm 102

Details to be sent via email invitation directly to students.

我是艾林·康奈尔 cornell_ellyn@罗伯茨.edu or 585-594-6692




如有疑问,请联系: haskins_mya@罗伯茨.edu

RN转BS & 毕业后护理专业毕业生见面会 & 迎接“

Saturday, May 11, 2024 immediately following the 9:30 毕业典礼 Ceremony

地点:Crothers Science & Nursing Center, 1st Floor Student Lounge (Rooms 108/110)

Details to be sent via email invitation directly to students

请在2024年5月3日前回复Deb Bausch Bausch_Deborah@罗伯茨.edu or 585-594-6073

教师教育来来往往的毕业招待会 & 颁奖典礼

Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 11:30am-1:00pm (in between the two commencement ceremonies). 颁奖典礼将于下午12:15举行.

Location: Golisano Community Engagement Center (GCEC) atrium

Details will be sent via email invitation directly to students

RSVP via the email invitation by Tuesday, May 7, 2024 to 莎拉·乔治。 at george_sarah@罗伯茨.edu